Virtual CRA Exam Workshop

Virtual CRA Exam Workshop

The CRA Exam Workshop is available online, on demand! Prepare for the Certified Radiology Administrator (CRA) exam anywhere, anytime.

This workshop is delivered via a series of pre-recorded sessions from AHRA 2021 by seasoned presenters. It covers each domain, or subject area, in the exam:
• Asset Management - Jason Newmark, BA, MHA, CRA, FAHRA
• Fiscal Management - Jason Newmark, BA, MHA, CRA, FAHRA
• Human Resource Management - Maureen Firth, MS, RT(R)(M)(QM), CRA, FAHRA
• Operations Management - Luann Culbreth, MEd, MBA, RT(R)(MR)(QM), CRA, FACHE, FAHRA
• Test Taking Tips and Communication & Information Management - Luann Culbreth, MEd, MBA, RT(R)(MR)(QM), CRA, FACHE, FAHRA

Watch it all at once, a little bit at a time, or watch any portion as many times as you like. Use this workshop to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Each session runs between 1 and 1.5 hours.


Asset Resource Management
Asset Resource Management
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Select the "Download Handout" button to begin. This presentation consists of asset management review for participants planning on taking the CRA exam. We discuss RFIs, RFPs, equipment life expectancy, needs assessment, forecasting, capacity analysis, modality appropriateness, service maintenance programs, and project teams. From this session, you will gain an understanding of general information that will be in the domain of asset management on the CRA exam.
Asset Resource Management Video
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Asset Resource Management Exam
25 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  19/25 points to pass
25 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  19/25 points to pass
Asset Resource Management CE Certificate
1.50 ARRT Category A credits  |  Certificate available
1.50 ARRT Category A credits  |  Certificate available
Communication & Information Management & Test Taking Tips
Communication & Information Management & Test Taking Tips
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Select the "Download Handout" button to begin. This presentation covers the variables in a certification exam design and implementation. Strategies for preparing for the exam are also presented, as well as a review of sample questions. The presentation also covers key areas in the Communication and Information Management domain.
Communication & Information Management & Test Taking Tips Video
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Communication & Information Management & Test Taking Tips Exam
20 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  15/20 points to pass
20 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  15/20 points to pass
Communication & Information Management & Test Taking Tips CE Certificate
1.50 ARRT Category A credits  |  Certificate available
1.50 ARRT Category A credits  |  Certificate available
Fiscal Management
Fiscal Management
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Select the "Download Handout" button to begin. This presentation consists of a review of fiscal management. We touch on basics such as understanding financial statements, fundamental accounting equations, financial ratio analysis, and budget preparations. But we are not be limited to basics. After all, what would fiscal management be without forecasting for future business, development of a strategic plan for your department, or creating business plans? Additional areas for review include generating revenue with proper coding, billing, payor sources, pricing, and collection. You will gain an understanding of expected information that will be in the domain of fiscal management on the CRA exam.
Fiscal Management Video
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Fiscal Management Exam
25 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  19/25 points to pass
25 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  19/25 points to pass
Fiscal Management CE Certificate
1.50 ARRT Category A credits  |  Certificate available
1.50 ARRT Category A credits  |  Certificate available
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Select the "Download Handout" button to begin.
Select the "Download Handout" button to begin. This presentation consists of a human resources review for participants planning on taking the CRA exam. We discuss labor laws, scope of practice, staffing ratios, supervision principles, job classifications, coaching, and negotiations. You will gain an understanding of general information that will be in the domain of human resource management on the CRA exam.
Human Resource Management Video
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Open to view video.
Human Resource Management Exam
20 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  15/20 points to pass
20 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  15/20 points to pass
Human Resource Management CE Certificate
1.50 ARRT Category A credits  |  Certificate available
1.50 ARRT Category A credits  |  Certificate available
Operations Management
Operations Management
Select the "Download Handout" button to begin.
Select the "Download Handout" button to begin. This presentation covers key areas of operations management, including: • assessing customer satisfaction with imaging services using appropriate tools to enhance quality and serve the interest of stakeholders • responding to survey results using continuous quality improvement methods to enhance customer satisfaction and meet organizational objectives. • providing for the quality and appropriateness of patient care by coordinating the development and implementation of medical protocols to adhere to accepted standards of care • coordinating patient management by identifying and supplying necessary resources to provide optimal imaging services • establishing industry partnerships by building alliances to leverage negotiating power, maximize resources, and developing opportunities • differentiating imaging services from those of competitors by developing marketing and public relations plans to maintain existing and attract new business • writing policies and procedures following federal, state, and other regulatory guidelines to comply with applicable standards and protect patients and other stakeholders • enforcing policies and procedures by monitoring compliance and providing feedback to uphold applicable standards • developing a quality management program using process improvement tools to further enhance and complement the strategic goals of the organization.
Operations Management Video
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Open to view video.
Operations Management Exam
20 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  15/20 points to pass
20 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  15/20 points to pass
Operations Management CE Certificate
1.50 ARRT Category A credits  |  Certificate available
1.50 ARRT Category A credits  |  Certificate available