Speaker: Josh Block

Leadership is layered, complex, and extraordinarily challenging. As someone who is a practitioner first, I've had the opportunity to see the powerful impact of shifting a "me" centered culture to a "we" centered culture. This shift has been a complete game-changer in our organization. And it can have a significant impact on your organization too!

In this session, we'll spend time understanding the differences between a "me" culture and a "we" culture. Then, we'll dive into understanding the three foundational elements that help foster a "we" culture where people thrive and, in turn, bring their best.

After we've laid the groundwork, we'll transition into a robust time of contextual Q&A. You'll have an opportunity to share challenges you're facing and learn practical tips to approach them in new and fresh ways.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Participants will learn to describe the differences between a "me" culture and a "we" culture and the impacts both have on an organization's culture and team contributions.
  • Participants will learn practical approaches and steps to implement a "we" culture in their own organizations.
  • Participants will learn methods to adjust their own leadership style (language, posture, vision) to align with the "we" centered culture approach.

This session qualifies for 1 hour of CE Credit.


Leadership Buffet
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes