Aspiring Leader Session #3: Introduction to Project Management

Aspiring Leader Session #3: Introduction to Project Management

Join us for the Aspiring Leader session, "Introduction to Project Management" presented by Jennifer Kirkman MHA, RT(R)(VI), CRA, FAHRA, Imaging Manager, High Point Medical Center. The session will take place live on Thursday March 13 at 2:15 PM ET and a recording will be available as part of the CLIMB 2025 On-Demand Library.


Thursday March 13 - 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM ET


Jennifer Kirkman MHA, RT(R)(VI), CRA, FAHRA, Imaging Manager, High Point Medical Center



Rarely a year goes by when a medical imaging administrator does not have a project to manage, whether it be replacing legacy equipment or starting a new service. Regardless of the scope of the project, its successful implementation is dependent on effective project management. Some projects are organization-wide, and the medical imaging administrator will be a member of the team; other projects are “imaging-centric” so the administrator leads the project. This presentation will include basic terminology and tools used to manage any project. A case study will be presented to illustrate all the steps.

Session Categories:


Employee Engagement


Introduction to Project Management
03/13/2025 at 2:15 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
03/13/2025 at 2:15 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
Session Evaluation
3 Questions